Freedom vs. Democracy: The Supreme Court May Be Our Last Hope

By Robert G. Beard Jr.

The Founding Fathers feared and loathed Democracy and gave Americans a Republic. Envision a Democracy as two wolves and one lamb deciding what to have for dinner; freedom is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. The Supreme Court has allowed our Republic to be slowly and methodically transformed into a Democracy.

Too many important decisions resulted in 5-to-4 split rulings. If nine of the finest legal experts in the country are unable to agree on what a statute or regulation means, how then, are everyday Americans to understand the law?!

Justice Bradley understood, “It is the duty of courts to be watchful for the constitutional rights of the citizens, and against any stealthy encroachments [by Congress and Government].” Before this statement becomes completely irrelevant, the Supreme Court must enact three simple rule changes and begin the principled process of restoring FREEDOM.

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Unlock The 4-doors to Financial independence

By Robert G. Beard Jr.

How would you like to become wealthy and financially independent? If you have obtained financial independence, how would you like to maintain your financial freedom? How would you like to see your children and grandchildren obtain financial independence early in their lives no matter what job or career they choose; and, no matter how many mistakes they make along the way? And finally, how would you like to see your parents retire without worrying about outliving their money? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then you have come to the right place!

In this book I'll provide you with the tools necessary to take care of your own financial affairs; to help you steer clear of the sharks on Wall Street; to outlive your money; to attain financial independence as soon as possible; and, to maintain your financial freedom regardless of what is happening in the markets and the world. Or, as the late Harry Browne wrote, How to Live Free in an Unfree World.

In this book… I’ll give you the four Keys to unlock the Doors to Financial Independence!



By Robert G. Beard Jr.

The IRS will NOT play fair; the IRS will NOT follow their own written rules & regulations; and, the IRS will NOT honor the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.  The purpose of this book is to show you how to avoid speaking with an IRS agent; how to convert every audit to a correspondence or mail audit; and, how to limit the audit to one year, along with limiting the audit to the return actually selected, either your personal return or your business return, not both.  This book is for EVERYONE WHO PAYS INCOME TAXES.

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The Best Kept Secret to Financial Freedom

By Robert G. Beard Jr.

Are you ready to become wealthy and financially independent? Would you like to insure that you maintain your financial freedom? Would you enjoy seeing your children and grandchildren obtain financial freedom early in their lives, no matter their career choices? And, would you find satisfaction in the thought of your parents retiring without worrying that they may outlive their money? If you answered yes to any of these questions… you have come to the right place! This book will provide you with the tools necessary to take care of your own financial affairs; to help you stay clear of the sharks on Wall Street; to outlive your money; to attain financial freedom as soon as possible; and, to maintain your financial freedom regardless of what happens in the markets and the world! Let’s get started… the journey to obtain and maintain financial freedom is waiting for you!


The united states government is illegitimate

By Robert G. Beard Jr.

This is an unapproved draft of Mr. Beard’s Introduction to his dissertation explaining how power-elites have improperly reinterpreted the U.S. Constitution to increase government power at the expense of individual freedom.  There are only two ways to interpret the Constitution: (1) Under the freedom doctrine; or, (2) as a master-slave relationship, which is what has been going on for the past 100 years.  If Americans are not slaves, then the U.S. government is illegitimate.  It is important that we understand our rights and how we have been indoctrinated through compulsory schooling.



By Robert G. Beard Jr.

The 16th Amendment says Congress may tax incomes without apportionment but, it does not state that the 16th Amendment is superior to any other amendments and all other provisions of the Constitution. Therefore, Congress and the IRS have no authority to require U.S. citizens and residents to waive their rights under the Constitution, e.g., the 4th and 5th Amendments. But, this is exactly what is being done with respect to the administration and collection of U.S. income taxes. This is a fraud on the public.  It is important that we understand our rights and how we have been indoctrinated through compulsory schooling.



By Robert G. Beard Jr.

Why is privacy so important? If you have done nothing wrong, what do you have to hide? You would be surprised! With over 4,500 federal crimes on the books and over 400,000 rules & regulations, you are most likely, and unknowingly, committing three felonies a day.  This book discusses specific reasons why the Founders placed the Fourth Amendment---the right to privacy, the right to be left alone by Government---in the U.S. Constitution. It highlights how Congress, aided by the Supreme Court, has trampled on this extremely important individual right and how financial institutions have been turned into spies for the U.S. government.  As an American, it is important that you understand what is going on to avoid huge fines, imprisonment, and financial ruin.          


Take Politics Out of the Supreme Court and Restore Freedom

By Robert G. Beard Jr.

Many important opinions have been 5-to-4 split decisions. If nine of the best legal experts in the country cannot agree on what a statute or regulation means, how are average Americans to understand the law?!

Chief Justice Roberts stated, “ my job is to call balls and strikes.” No, it’s not! NOT in a Free Republic! Justice Bradley understood, “It is the duty of the courts to be watchful for the constitutional rights of the citizens, and against any stealthy encroachments [by Congress and Government].” Three simple rule changes just might begin the process of restoring freedom.